OneFill (Classic/Deep/Sub-Q) is crafted to deliver an optimal balance of cohesivity, elasticity, and plasticity tailored to each specific use via the HCCL technology. This technology achieves a high degree of crosslinking while eliminating pendant BDDE, a foreign body risk, ensuring a high level of safety. As a consistent monophasic filler, OneFill™ features a stable gel structure, improved viscoelasticity due to controlled phase angle (8) and storage modulus (G') values, and enhanced external resilience.
ძირითადი თვისებები:
- HCCL Technology: Ensures safety and stability.
- Proven Safety
შეფუთვის ერთეულები:
- Classic: 1.0mL syringe, 27G and 30G needles
- Deep: 1.1mL syringe, 25G and 27G needles
- Sub-Q: 1.1mL syringe, 25G and 27G needles
HA Concentration: 20 mg/mL
Lidocaine Concentration: 3 mg/mL
Treatment Areas: Glabellar lines, forehead lines, tear troughs, under-eye areas, and marionette lines.